Monthly Archives: August 2011


This is a test post.  When I receive the email saying it’s been updated, it divides the words into two categories and doesn’t post the whole thing, so I changed some of the settings to see if that would work.  Thanks for your patience while I try to fix this.  If anyone is more blog savvy than me, please let me know!  Thanks!





test post

Color Week starts tomorrow!


Just a reminder that color week starts tomorrow.  You should have gotten a note in their folder on Monday telling what color each day is.  If you didn’t get one, please email me and I’ll send home another.  Please send a disposable, light weight item that we can glue on a poster. 







Thurs-pink and brown

Fri-black and white

Remember to wear that color if you already have it!

August 21, 2011 We survived!


Well, we all survived our first week of kindergarten, quite well I must say!  The kids are just delightful and I’m looking forward to a year of fun and great learning!  Just an update on what we did this week in case your child doesn’t tell you every last detail.  We learned the letters p, u, o and the words pup and up.  They are learning actions that go with each letter to help them remember the sound the letter makes.  We also did name art, handprint art, and Chicka Chicka Boom Boom art.  We are starting to talk about what is a question and what is a comment and the kids get to share each day.  They are doing a fabulous job of learning the routine and following directions.  On Friday, we even got to go to centers for a bit.

This coming week, we will start in Harcourt, which is our reading series.  I will also begin assessing the kids on their letters and the sounds so that I know where everyone is at right now.  We started math last week and you will continue to see math sheets coming home.  I’m also going to send the game home next week which we ran out of time to get to, but it’s self explanatory, so you can play at home.

The kids seem really excited about the “homework!”  As I said at parent night, it’s not anything required, but just adds to the curriculum we do in the classroom.  The kids earn a gotcha if they return things finished.  There won’t be something every night, just as I come across things that fit.

You will get a letter home Monday about color week which starts this Wed.  Please mark the colors on your calendar and send in a disposable item to glue on our posters and wear the color of the day (only if you have it 🙂

Thanks for sharing your kids with me.  I’m so pleased with the great start we’ve had!

Lori Bettis