Monthly Archives: November 2011

Week of Nov. 14-22


I went ahead and included next week since it’s a short week.  This week and next we will be working on the following:

Reading–Continue to work on the books in the reading folders.  Those should stay in backpacks and come to school each day.  Please remember to date the reading log and put the title so I can keep track of what I’ve sent home.  This week, we will work on the letters Y, Q, and the “oo” sound as in look and book.  New words added to the word wall will be, hen, egg, moose, tooth, star, moon, barn, goose, foot, and book.  We will also be talking about position words, character, setting, and reading expository books about Thanksgiving.  We will also be writing our own book about what we are thankful for.  We continue to write in journals and talk about capital letters, word spaces, and punctuation.

Math–We have been working on joining, addition, comparing numbers, problem solving, and this week, we will add taking away (subtraction).  A letter will come home today that gives you access to the math program online.  Please hang on to this as everyone has their own log-in and password.

Second step–We’ve been talking about feelings and how to look at someone’s expressions and body language to determine how they feel.  This week, we will talk about anger and how to recognize it and deal with it.

We will be talking about Thanksgiving and the stories behind the holiday.  We have some awesome turkeys hanging in the room.  I’ll send those home next week so you can enjoy them as well.

Scholastic book orders will be due Dec. 1st.  There’s a lot of great quality literature at low prices if you’re interested.  I have a few extra forms if you need one, let me know.  If you need me to hang on to them for gifts, let me know that as well.

I’m thankful for the opportunity to be a part of your child’s life and their learning.  Thanks for sharing them with me!  Have a blessed Thanksgiving and enjoy the break!


Happy Fall!


What beautiful Fall weather this weekend, and I hear it may be 46 for a high tomorrow…grrr…  I haven’t updated in awhile with the craziness of conferences and days off, so here’s what’s new:

THIS Thursday at 2:00, all parents are invited to attend our Veteran’s Day ceremony.  Wear your red, white, and blue and feel free to come and join us.  We are having the ceremony this week instead of next week since Mr. Trimble will be out of town (and he’s leading it!)  If am kids want to come back with parents, they are welcome to!

Halloween parties were awesome!!  Thank you to all parents who donated items and helped out at the parties.  The kids loved it!

Bookworm minutes were due today!  Please return them by the end of the week at the latest to get credit for them.

I have ALL the reading folders! (Sorry am parents…I took your kids on Friday not realizing people would panic when looking for them!)  They will come home again on Friday.  There is all kinds of things in there and a note explaining what it all means!  Please continue to keep the folders in their backpacks!

Next week, on Tues. Nov. 8th, we have an author coming to visit.  The assembly will be from 8:45-9:45.  If pm parents want to bring their kids up and stay to watch, you’re welcome to.  I believe he’s bringing reptiles as well so I will be WAY in the back of the room! (Snakes and I do NOT get along!)

We do have some new class pets you may have heard about today!  We have an ant farm!  We really could’ve just hung out and watched them all day today as they’re starting to build their tunnels.  It’s a really interesting and fun thing to learn about! (except when they’re in my kitchen! 🙂

This week, we will add the words:  clock, bell, bed, and log.  We won’t add any letters this week.  In second step, we’re learning about feelings and how to tell how someone is feeling based on their face and body.  In math, we will start addition and grouping by 5’s and 10’s.  We are talking about problem/solution and drawing conclusions in our reading lessons.  We also started journal writing today.  Guided reading groups also started today.  I told you at conferences that they would bring their guided reading books home, but that will NOT be the case.  We have several groups sharing books and decided that was going to be difficult to track.  Your child will be bringing A-Z books home that are paper books on their level.  Please be patient with me as I could see just from today that I’m going to have to move kids around as some are reading more than I thought.  If the first time they read a book to you that I send home and it’s WAY too easy, just put a sticky note in their BLUE daily folder and let me know.

Hopefully I haven’t forgotten anything!  Thanks again for coming to conferences and for all you do to help out!  Have a great week!