Monthly Archives: February 2012

Week of Feb. 13-17


We actually had a full week of school and boy, did we learn a lot this week!  Thanks to all who helped with the valentine party.  I know the kids really enjoyed it and I did too!  I appreciate all the Moms who come to help and all who send items.  We couldn’t do it without you!

Thanks to everyone for coming to conferences.  I had 100% attendance which is awesome!  It’s so good to talk so that we can all be on the same page!  Please know you can always email or call me with additional questions as they may come up.

This past week, we’ve learned all about our American Symbols.  A book will be coming home today that we’ve worked on all week.  Ask your child all they learned about the flag, the statue of liberty, the liberty bell, and the bald eagle!  Next week, we will learn more about presidents, especially George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

Next week, we don’t have school on Monday for President’s Day.  The following week, we don’t have school on Friday, March 2nd because of Kindergarten Round-up for those kiddos coming to Kindergarten NEXT year.  Because Friday the 2nd is Read Across America day and Dr. Seuss day, we will celebrate that on Thursday March 1st.  Have your kids wear their Seuss gear if they have it or red and white.  If they would like to bring their favorite Dr. Seuss book to school that day, that would be great.  Thanks to all who volunteered already to pick up the needed items for our fun Cat in the Hat snack that day!

I’m so impressed with all my readers!  Almost everyone got 2 new books this week in their reading folders.  Continue to read these at home.  Please continue to practice sight words at home.  I hope that the ideas I gave you at conferences can help spice up the learning a little.

In math, we are working on measurement.  Don’t fret next week, when you see we are measuring in cm.  They don’t have to do that at this age, but they’re begging me to use rulers.  They think that sounds so fun, so I figured, why not!!  Encourage them to use different things around the house to measure with.

We have had several talks this week about “Spring Fever.” (which is crazy given that it’s February!!)  We are practicing being good listeners and focusing our attention and always trying our best.  I have talked with the kids and let them know that my job is to help them learn and get ready for 1st grade and their job is to always do their best and try their hardest.  Please reinforce this at home.   We’ve got lots of learning left to do and I need great listeners.

I hope you have a great long weekend and that you find time to enjoy a great book with your child.  Reading to them, and having them read to you daily is what makes readers better!

Have a great weekend!


Week of Jan. 30-Feb. 2


We had a short but busy week.  We ended our unit on penguins.  I hope you enjoyed the expository books that came home and that the kids shared them with you all.  This week, we talked about groundhogs and predicted whether or not Phil would see his shadow.  We also celebrated our 100th day of school which was a great deal of fun!  Thanks SO much to the parents who came and helped!  I couldn’t do it without you!  For those that weren’t there, we counted by 10’s to 100 to make fruit loop necklaces, made 100 day crowns, predicted and tallied whether heads or tails would come up more on a coin toss, which number we’d roll more on a dice, we estimated and then counted how many jumps they could do in 100 seconds, how many times they could write their name, blink their eyes, and draw squares, all in 100 seconds.  We made a stamp book of 100 stamps counting by 10’s and played a pick a number Hershey kiss game.  We also wrote two 100 day books that you’ll see coming home soon.  The kids looked adorable and really got into their “100’s” character by even pretending to be hard of hearing when I gave directions! 🙂  Thanks again for sending in the 100 snack pieces, for helping with the 100 posters, and for all the help with the day.  It’s one I’m sure they won’t forget!  In reading, we have new groups now and all the kids brought new books home as well in their reading folders.  Keep practicing those sight words.  I’ll give you some more ideas of ways to practice at conferences this week.  In Math, we’ve been working on place value and next week, will talk about possible and impossible.  A couple of reminders: don’t wait until the last minute to have the kids write out their valentines.  Bring boxes and valentines to school on the 14th.  We do not have school this Wed. as I will be starting conferences Wed. morning.  If something happens, or someone gets sick, please email me as soon as you can and let me know if you can’t attend.  I look forward to visiting with you all this week!