Week of May 12-16th


Wow!  Can you believe Kindergarten is almost over??  I told you at parent night that it would fly by and it sure has!  It’s been such a fun year and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to get to know and love your kids!

Thanks for coming to the Mother’s Day Tea.  We practice and practice and there I days that I think, “Oh dear…”, but they always pull it off in the end.  I hope you enjoyed our journey through kindergarten.  The kids did a fabulous job and I was SO proud of them!

FIELD TRIP is Monday!  Please remember to send a disposable sack lunch that doesn’t need refrigeration, a disposable water bottle for lunch, and put their name on everything.  We will be outside the entire morning, so sunscreen may be appropriate.  Please put on before they leave the house.  Please make sure they’re dressed for the weather and that they are wearing tennis shoes.  We’ll be in the dirt, so not a dress up day!

Our last day of school will be on Wed. even though 1-5 goes for half of a day on Thursday.  We will do our party on a box on Wed.  Please don’t bring the boxes until Wed, and make sure the recipient’s name is on the front.  Please also make sure it’s just a single serving of each item.  If you cannot participate, just let me know and I’ll make sure everyone is covered.

Next week, I will start sending all their stuff home.  I will be sending home a summer packet that will be great review.  There is a summer reading postcard program that you will find in there as well.  The summer abc writing journal can be turned in to me next August for 20 gotchas to start off 1st grade!!  It does have to be complete though 🙂

You will also be receiving a class book of all their book pages from this year.  It’s so fun to look through and see how their writing has changed and vastly improved!!  A special Kindergarten handprint memory book will also come home.  I hope it’s something you cherish for years to come!

If you haven’t fill out the end of the year evaluation that I sent earlier this week, please do so if you can.  Remember it’s two sided.  I won’t read any of them until school is out and names are optional.  I’m always looking for ways to improve, so let me know your thoughts.

While I’m looking forward to summer and finally getting my kitchen finished, I do hate to let the kids go.  I FINALLY got them trained! 🙂  I know they’ll do a great job in first grade and I hope they’ll come back to visit for years to come!  Keep checking email from me this summer.  We’ll have a few days to meet at school and read and play on the playground.  The last two summers, we’ve met for a summer movie.  As long as something good comes out, we’ll plan that too.

As I wrap up the last blog post of the year, I want to thank you for all your support this year.  I truly couldn’t do what I do without all the parent support I have.  Keep the kids reading over the summer, enjoy some time together, and I may see you at the pool!  Thanks for letting me be a part of this special time in their lives!  Have a great summer!

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