Monthly Archives: March 2015

Week of March 24th-27th


It’s been weather week here in Kindergarten!  We learned about different kinds of weather and also talked about what to do in a tornado.  I told the kids that they need to talk to you to find out what the family plan is just in case they have a babysitter who might not know.  We also talked about having a plan in case of a fire.  We learned about all kinds of weather and are also learning about the moon.

I have had several questions about the moon log.  Each night one person gets to take the moon watcher bag home.  Since it’s only one a night, I gave all the kids a moon llog so that they could look each night and track the different phases of the moon.  I also sent an email with a link to a moon calendar this morning in case it’s too cloudy to see the moon.  It’s not anything mandatory, I just want them to have the experience to see how it changes.  Today we wrote moon facts, made a diagram of the sun, moon, Earth, and stars and labled it and we also made moon craters with glue.  I told them this is probably the only time this year that I’ll tell them they can make glue puddles with their white glue!  Be sure to ask them what they’ve learned about the moon!

In math, we are working on counting, sorting, and classifying shapes.  I would also like to do that with real coins next week.  If you haven’t already, please send in a baggie labeled with their name and 2 quarters, 4 dimes, 3 nickels, and 5 pennies.  Please do not tell them how much is in the bag so that we can sort and count together.  I’d like to have those by Monday please.  I’ll send them back home when we’re done.

Spring pictures came home this week.  They ask that you either pay for or return the packet.  The pictures are NOT free.  Please get those in next week or return payment for them.

A note is coming home today about the Happy Bear Talk that will be next Friday.  Please make sure you read through that and contact Mrs. Kennicott, the counselor, with questions.

Grade cards are also coming home today.  Please remember to sign and return the envelope next week and to keep the grade card at home.

Next week, on Friday, we have a spirit assembly and the spirit day is to wear green and blue since April is Earth Awareness month.

Short and sweet, but I think that’s it for this week!  Enjoy the nice weather and have a great weekend!

Week of March 2-6th


We FINALLY got to go out to recess!  We love Gonoodle, but we REALLY need to be outside playing!

This week, we had lots of fun celebrating Read Across America week and reading lots of fun Dr. Seuss books.  Did you know his first book was rejected 27 times?  We did lots of reading, made predictions, made Hortons, and did some fun writing and inferencing about Horton’s egg.

This week we added the sight words: no and it.  We have learned 45 of them so far!  Only 10 to go!  I’m testing this week and next to see what they know for grade cards.

We also learned about healthy eating and exercise and keeping our body strong.  Thanks again to parents who sent in food for eat a rainbow day.  We also sorted food into different food groups and then went through grocery ads to find fruits and vegetables that filled in the rainbow.

In Science, we’ve learned about push and pull.  We were surprised to learn all the things that we push and pull daily that we don’t even realize.  We also learned about motion and how things move.  Today we did an experiment and learned about friction.  Ask your child about the straw/marble experiment and what they learned.  We also built ramps and learned that the higher the ramp, the faster the motion of the car!

In math, we’re learning how to measure things by height, weight, and capacity.  We continue to practice addition and subtraction and are always working on problem solving.

Remember that Art to Remember is due on Monday March 9th!  I love the hand print peacocks that Mrs. Sprague did with the kids!  The items make great Mother’s Day/Grandma gifts too!

Reading minutes for the Tbones are due March 16, that’s 2,000 minutes!  Schlitterbahn’s 600 min. program is due 4/24.  You can turn those forms in to me and I’ll get them to the right people.

Next Friday is QU wedding!  The letters Q and U will get married and we’ll have a wedding in class, because you know, you can’t spell words without q and u together!  For wedding day, boys are invited to come dressed as quarterbacks and the girls can come dressed as queens!  It’s really one of my very favorite days in K!  A note will come home Monday with more info.

I think that’s it for now.  We have a busy weekend.  Headed to the OE bball game tonight, our church youth auction on Sat., and my niece’s 13th birthday on Sunday.  Hope your weekend is a great one!