Monthly Archives: May 2015

Last Day of Kindergarten 2015


Well, 167 days ago, your child walked in my room and probably thought, “Holy Cow!  This lady talks a lot and wants us to remember all kinds of stuff and man, am I tired! ” and I was thinking, “Holy Cow!  I just had them all trained and now I start all over and NO ONE is listening to me!!”  (and Man! am I tired!)!!  And now on day 167, they leave me with a wealth of knowledge, the ability to listen and remember, and the strength and skills they need to succeed in first grade.  And as I type this, it always makes me teary to see them go.  The tunnel at the end of the day was awesome and I hope they left with lots of excitement to move on to first grade.  We talked a lot today about what it would be like to hopefully help alleviate that fear of the unknown.

I thank you all for all the hours spent reading my emails and notes and reminders and for remembering to send in all the things I asked for.  Thank you for helping with homework, reading night after night, and doing all the little extras that Kindergarteners require.  I thank everyone who helped out whether that be here at school or at home.  I really couldn’t do all we do without your help.

This summer, I hope you’ll take some time to work on their summer packets and enjoy the A-Z journal together.  (Don’t forget, it’s worth gotchas to start off first grade!)  Keep having them read so that their skills don’t drop and just enjoy their five or six year oldness.

We had a great last day, lots of cleaning up and packing up.  We auctioned off some great items (yeah, sorry about that, but they LOVED getting to pick through the “junk”!)  Every child got an award and a small prize from me and party in a box was lots of fun.

Thanks for letting me be a part of your child’s life.  My hope is that they always look back on their first year of school with a smile on their face and fun memories in their heart.  I hope that they always love to learn.

Have a wonderful summer!  I look forward to getting the reading postcards!  Keep checking email as we’ll get together and read and have some fun this summer too!

Now on day 167, I’m tired and headed home.  Have a great evening! 🙂last daylast day silly