Week of March 28th-April 1st


This week we started our last PLTW (project lead the way) module.  We learned all about force, push, pull, patterns of movement, speed,  friction, and collision.  We did a lot of fun experiments to learn about the terms in a hands on way.  We also read a lot of good books this week.  We finished on Friday using an engineering tool called Goldibox.  They had to follow directions to make the wheels and axles turn on a plastic board.  It was not easy and took a lot of paying attention to the details.  We had to do some experimenting and redoing our thinking along the way.  Once we had mastered that task, they were able to have some time exploring and were able to use the Goldiblox tools to build some other things.  I let them know that I had purchased several of the same kits and several different ones and that I will make them available for them to check out to take home.  My plan is that I will send a note home saying what’s available and you can let me know when it would work best for your family.  I will ask that you be very careful with the items as if some are lost, then we can’t build with the kits.  I know that you’d need a few days to work with them to really get the most out of them.  I’ll get that letter done early this week so you can start checking them out.

We learned about who, what, where, when, and why questions this week and are practicing writing letters to our friends using those question words.

In math, we’re starting on 2D shapes and will work our way up to 3D shapes.  We are still practicing problem solving, graphing, addition and subtraction.

Next week, we will work on a big writing project and then start learning about living/nonliving things and do a mini unit on frogs using some great non-fiction books.

That’s it for now.  Sorry for the late update.  I had to take Jack to a Dr. appt. on Friday afternoon and then went to Lawrence for Mom’s Day at ADPi with Hannah.  Hope you enjoy the weather this weekend!

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