Monthly Archives: March 2018

Week of March 26th-30th


Short and sweet today so I can head to Autumn Leaves to see Dave, get to the grocery store, and get my house ready for Easter! 🙂

Monday is Autism Awareness day and we’re asking that everyone wear blue.  We will talk about including everyone in our Bluejay family meeting on Monday.

I have a few Royal Reader spots open, April 6, 12th, and 20th and May 4th.  Email me if you’re interested and I’ll take first to email me.

Book Orders are due April 13th.  I will send one more order early May if you’d like to get books for summer.

I am in need of 4-5 boxes of Kleenex to finish out the year.  We have lots of nose blowing going on with allergies! 🙂  If you have a spare box and can send them in, that’d be great!

If you saw my email today, we got a grant for close to $500 to buy materials for kindergarten for developmentally appropriate play time!  We’re very excited to get some more “stuff” for the kids!!  It was a fun surprise today!

This week we added the words “no” and “it” to our sight words.  We have been working on force, motion, push, pull, and friction this week.  We’ve done lots of fun science experiments this week!  Today they had to get a marble down a line of tape with certain materials and they could not touch the marble with their hands.  Once they’d figured that out, they had to do it again without a ramp.  Be sure to ask your child how their group got it to work!  We’ll continue next week by doing some building with items that push and pull.

In math, we’ve been working on measurement.  We’ve talked about length and height.  Next week, we will continue and add capacity as well.  We have practiced measuring lots of things using non-standard measurement (cubes, string etc. as opposed to rulers).

Ok, off to the store.  Excited for the KU game this weekend!  Hope everyone wears what they wore last week, as KU fans tend to be a little (or a lot) superstitious!

Hope you have a great weekend and a Happy Easter or Passover!

Week of March 20th-23rd


Crazy how fast the year is flying by!!

This week, we have learned about the weather and meteorologists.  We also learned about the moon and they seemed to be fascinated with all the moon information!  Today we wrote facts about the moon and will put them with the moons we started today.  They’ll be in the hall soon.  We also wrote an opinion piece about their favorite type of weather and they had to explain why as well.

We added the sight words she and he.  I won’t be testing those again for awhile, so keep practicing so they stay up on them!

In math, we’ve finished decomposing teen numbers and place value and are working on numbers to 100 and counting to 100.  Almost everyone has earned their count to 100 certificate.  If not, they need to keep working!!  Next week, we’ll start measurement and data.

Next week, we will start our next Project Lead the Way module on pushes and pulls.  We’ll be doing lots of experimenting and designing over the next few weeks!

Our social skills have focused on fair ways to play, how to include others, and how to listen to get along well with others.

They really enjoyed the show and tell and now we’re working to fill the warm fuzzy jars again!

Coming up:

  • Art to remember is due next Thurs. the 29th.  If you want to order an art item, please be sure it’s turned in by then.
  • We are collecting gently used books for a summer book drive for the district if you have any you’d like to donate.
  • I sent a sheet home today with end of the year dates to keep in mind.  Hang on to that sheet!  I will ask for field trip volunteers later in May, but dates are on there.
  • It was very cold at recess this morning.  Please make sure they have a warm enough coat each day.
  • Moon logs can be turned in for gotchas when completed.  I did say if it’s rainy or cloudy, they can get help looking it up, or they can write cloudy on the moon.
  • Grade cards come home today.  Please sign, empty, and return envelopes on Monday.

And lastly, checking to see if anyone is available to go to Autumn Leaves Memory Care next Thurs. at 4 to do some building.  I thought I’d just take the Tinkertoys, magnatiles, and legos and we could go have some building fun!  It would be 4-4:45 ish and siblings are welcome.  Please let me know by Monday if you would like to go, so I can let them know if we’re a go or not.

Ready to cheer on my Jayhawks tonight!  Have a great weekend!