Week of Sept. 30-Oct. 4th


What a fun apple day we had this morning!  THANK YOU to everyone who sent items in!!  We got to taste plain apples, cinnamon sugar apples, applesauce, apple juice, and apple pancakes.  (My top secret recipe is pancake mix, cinnamon, and cut up apples! 🙂  Then they graphed which was their favorite.  They also made a life cycle of apples, and did an apple investigation where we weighed and measured apples.  They really enjoyed the time with their 5th grade buddies!  Next week, we’ll make apple “pie” and do a how to writing!  This week we also learned about Johnny Appleseed and did an experiment where we predicted and then experimented with apples and whether or not the apple and seeds would sink or float.  We also talked about the Seasons and sorted what activities we could do in each season.

We added the sight words “we” and “see” and the letters, sounds, and actions for Bb and Ff.

In math, we’re working on one more and one less and played some math games to practice.  We also practiced ordering 1-10 and counting up and down from 1-10.  We’re also still practicing writing those numbers and making sure they’re not reversed.

In Second Step and Leader in Me, we talked about cooperation and synergyzing which means working together.  We continue to talk about how to take a little problem and solve it instead of making it bigger.  We also work on apologies and accepting apologies with “I forgive you” or “I accept your apology.”

Next week, we will start with classroom greeters.  Each week, 2 kids will be asked to come to the room by 8:05 to get their greeter vest on and be ready to greet the other students.  I put a note on their backpack and a note in their folder if they’re the greeter.  Please keep the note on the backpack so when they’re walking down the hall early, other teachers will know they’re going to be greeter.  Everyone will have a turn and then we’ll start again.

We go outside almost EVERY day!  Please make sure your child has a jacket/coat daily.  Even if the weather says it’s going to be warm, it usually isn’t by 10 when we go out for first recess.  I’ve had a couple of cold kids today!

Next week is kindness week.  You got a note home with what to wear everyday and it’s in Dr. McDonald’s weekly newsletter.  If you don’t get that by the way, be sure to call the office so you can get signed up!

If you have extra McDonald’s toys that you don’t want anymore, feel free to sneak them in for my treasure box!  Kids are loving their sticker charts and getting to choose from the box!

To Do’s

  • Please sign, cut and return conference forms on Monday if you didn’t today.
  • Reminder, no school next Friday, Oct. 11th

I hope you all enjoy the Fall Festival tonight!  It’s a lot of fun.  You just never know with the weather, we’ve had Fall festivals where it was SO hot, chilly, and even one year when the tornado sirens went off!  I hope you have a great time with your child.  I usually come for a bit, but I won’t be there tonight.  My daughter Hannah is coming in town for the weekend.  I haven’t seen her in 10 weeks!!  This is the longest I’ve gone without seeing her, for her whole life!  She and I are very close and I can’t wait to see her!  We’ll be headed to KU for the game tomorrow and I plan to be stuck to her all weekend.  I’m sure she’ll love that! ha!

Have a great weekend!  Enjoy your family time together!

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