Week of Oct. 7-10th


A quick early update today:

We finished our apple lessons with how to writing and made apple “pies”.  Thanks again to the parents who sent in items so this could happen!  We learned about pumpkins, pumpkin life cycles and how they grow and we made silly spooky pumpkins that are in the hall.  We also wrote riddles today.  At conferences, be sure to read them and see if you can guess who is hiding behind the ghost!

In math, we finished up 1 more/1 less and numbers to 10.  Next week we will start on shapes.  Daily we do number practice, counting, recognizing, and understanding math concepts.

In Leader in Me and second step, we’ve talked about feelings and how to handle when we feel different ways.  This goes great with Ms. Kennicott’s lessons on zones of regulation.  We also learned that Sharpen the Saw means taking care of our bodies both physically and mentally.

We added the sight words “to” and “come” and talked about long i and short i.

To Do’s:

  • Return book bags tomorrow!
  • Book orders are in folders today.  They are due by the 16th.  I will place the order on the 17th in the morning so you can get them back by Halloween.
  • No School Friday.
  • Conferences will be on Wed. evening and Thurs.  Please be on time.  If I am running past time, please knock on the door.  I do my very best to stay on time!  (But I have lots to say and like to talk 🙂  Kindergarteners do NOT need to come to their conference.  We have them come and share in Feb.  If they need to come, they can play quietly in the room.

I think that’s it for this week.  Next week we start learning about BATS!!  It’s always a little batty in kindergarten so that works well…ha!  Have a great weekend!

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