Week of March 2-6th


It’s been the week of bears!  The kids heard a lot of wonderful expository books about bears and created a tree map of facts together.  They then took that information and wrote a research report on one particular type of bear.  They’re working hard on their writing to make sure they include capital letters, spaces, and punctuation.  Then they drew a picture of the bear and labeled it by stretching out the words.  We ended the fun week of facts about bears with Teddy Bear Day.  It was declared the best day in kindergarten by some of them!  When we came in the room this morning, the bears had had a sleepover and were at center time!  The kids thought that was the best!!  We measured our bears, wrote about the bears, sorted the bears, did predictions with gummy bears, math with Teddy Grahams and then had our bear picnic with awesome bear food!  We had honeycomb cereal, Teddy Grahams, gummy bears, goldfish and lemonade on our picnic tablecloths!  Then we went on a bear hunt to find a BIG, HAIRY, SCARY bear!  Be sure to ask your child about what we found!!  It was a fun learning Friday for sure!!

We continue to work on subtraction and being able to recognize whether it is an addition problem or a subtraction problem.  We’ll continue subtraction until spring break.

In second step, leader in me, we are working on inviting others to play and how to apologize if we make a mistake or run into someone by accident.

On Friday of next week, it will be QU wedding day.  There are 2 important papers in folders today!!  One is an invite to the wedding.  Girls will come dressed as queens, and boys will come dressed as quarterbacks.  We will have an actual wedding and reception as Q and U have to be together to make words!  HOMEWORK: your child needs to bring a wedding gift to the wedding.  The gift is in their folder today!  You may help them come up with a “qu” word (ie: quilt, quack, quarter, quail etc.)  This ONE TIME ONLY, you can help them spell the word to write on the paper and then they will color a picture of that word.  They should color the present on the paper as well.  This will be their gift to present at the wedding.  You can turn them in anytime next week, but they are due by Thursday at the latest.

Next week is also a spirit week for Dr. Seuss week and the paper with details is also in their folder.  We will be skipping Friday since we’ll be doing the wedding instead.

Spring pictures are on Thursday.  They will take everyone’s picture.  After they come home, you may choose to keep them and pay for them, or they will need to be returned to school.  They are not free pictures.  There is also an option to buy a class picture.  I personally, think this is a fun keepsake to go back and look at years from now and they’re great for reunions! 🙂

I will be sending home a Lucky Charms spring break packet that can be returned for stickers after the break.

Please be sure to keep sending coats.  It was 35 degrees at 10 this morning and we had some cold kiddos!

Heads up that AFTER spring break, we will be having grill day on the 24th.

I’m really hoping Influenza is done in our room!  Please make sure to monitor your child if they complain as it’s been spreading quite a bit in the school!  The rule is that the first day of symptoms is considered day zero and then counting after that, they may not return until day 6 and that’s if they feel well and are up to a whole day of school.  This will help keep it from spreading!

Hope you all have a great weekend!  We had a great ski trip and all of us came back in one piece!  Tonight we get to go get Maisy from puppy school! 🙂  Both my kids are headed off for their spring breaks today.  Jack to Destin, Florida with his fraternity brothers (yes, I know, sounds like a disaster in the making!) and Hannah to Paris to see her cousin who is studying abroad. (I’m more worried about her getting stuck there than getting the virus).  This is the point where you just hope and pray (a lot!) that you’ve raised them to make good choices and be smart!

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