Week of Sept. 28-Oct. 2nd


We survived a whole week of school! And a full moon to end the week. I always tell people that if you don’t believe a full moon changes behavior then you’re welcome to come observe kindergarten. Several times today I said okay, let’s take a breath and get control…. đŸ™‚

This week we learned about the weather and heard some great expository (non-fiction) books about the weather. We learned a meteorologist is a scientist who studies the weather. We also learned about the 4 seasons.

We added the letters, sounds, and actions for the letters: Pp and Tt and added the sight words is and it. The it book coming home today should be kept in their star words bag! Have them read it to you!

In math, we are working on subitizing which means to see a set of dots and know what the number is without counting. For example seeing six dots on a die and knowing it’s 6 without counting. We worked hard on writing numbers. Please practice these at home. We’ve done 0-6. All numbers start at the top. We also started simple addition. I ask them to show me 5 fingers and then show me the different ways to make 5, 5 +0, 2 +3, 4 +1.

We learned about being proactive which is the first Leader in Me habit. In Kindergarten, that looks like “taking care of ourselves”, following the rules, and being respectful.

Lunch: Just a heads up, when kids choose lunch, I always ask if they’ll eat the yogurt especially when it’s pancakes. Otherwise they have no protein for lunch. We eat so early and have a lot of the day left to only have carbs for lunch. I also do not offer dutch waffle as a choice and still don’t get why the district offers this. A dutch waffle is actually a funnel cake. No one can think or learn with a funnel cake for lunch.

Just a reminder that my plan time is at 2:00. Sometimes I have time to answer emails throughout the day, but not always. Also if pick up plans change and you can’t email me before 2:45, please call the office, otherwise I might not see them.

On Monday, you’ll be getting a picture form to order school pictures. They will be taken on the 12th. I always say, if you want to send a change of clothes you can. Sometimes the girls don’t want to wear a cute dress all day and you probably don’t want them ruined on the playground.

You will also get a conference questionnaire. Please return those by Thursday next week. You’ll also get your conference packet which we will go over together on zoom. Please have that with you for our call. I will send a separate email on Monday with the conference schedule and the zoom link. It will be an open zoom link. You will wait in the waiting room and I will let you in. We will have to stick to our 20 min. to get everyone in and so we don’t get backed up. That’s why the questionnaire gives me a good heads up if you have concerns. I was able to get everyone scheduled at their preferred time.

We do have a remote day next Friday on the 9th. It will be the same as last time. I will send a zoom link for an 8:30-9 call on the 9th. On Monday, you will get the packet of work for Friday. We’ve included a fun STEM project and the supplies you will need.

Remember to check Seesaw every few days and if there are activities listed, you child can be working on them at home. I am trying to assign things in the morning if we are working on them at school.

We did not get to the letter T Nearpod today as planned. You may do it together at home. The code is LDWRY.

I hope you have a great weekend. Enjoy the beautiful weather!

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