Monthly Archives: November 2020

Week of Nov. 16th-20th


We had a busy and productive day today. So much so, several kids told me they were tired before lunch! ha!

We did a cool activity today and made Thanksgiving retelling bracelets and a book, so they should be able to use the bracelet to retell the Thanksgiving story. They all earned stickers and I told them they had done the best job of any class I’ve had do this activity!

We added the letters Xx and Jj this week and are almost done adding letters. We added the “th” chunk and the sight words: the, that, this. Keep practicing those sight words at home. They should be keeping and rereading the highlighted sight word books coming home.

In math, we are working on comparing numbers with more/less and finished up measurement with the balance scale.

Just a reminder that we only come Mon. and Tues. next week and Tuesday will be library day.

BOOK ORDERS: Due Dec. 4th by noon so that we can get them back in time for the holiday. Books make great gifts!

Shhh…when we get back on Dec. 1st, I have good intel that Buddy our classroom elf will be showing up. We use him as a springboard for writing in the classroom. In the past, I’ve used him for behavior as well, but this class is doing great. While I hate not having the community of tables and more working together, having their own space and desk has eliminated a lot of issues! Guess we have to find the positive there.

Dec. is a fun and busy month in K. If you will be leaving early and won’t be here the last week, please let me know ahead of time so I can get all of their things sent home.

Thank you to the virtual readers we’ve had so far. Please don’t tell your child. They like seeing who it is as a surprise. I will schedule those of you that have requested to read next week. Those of you that have sent videos, I’m hanging on to them for a week we don’t have someone scheduled or fitting in when your book fits our lesson/activities. Feel free to share with grandparents as well!

Also, I realize people will be out and about over break. Please be safe and please watch for symptoms so no one brings it back into school. I hate to say this and am knocking on wood…but we’ve been good in my room and I want it to stay that way. I will not be traveling or even seeing my parents over break, so I am doing my part, please do yours.

I won’t blog next week with a short week. Enjoy the long legged turkeys coming home next week.

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I’m thankful that you are sharing your kids with me and that amidst all of this chaos, we are finding joy in our room! Happy Thanksgiving!

Week of Nov. 2-6th


Wow! We sure enjoyed the beautiful weather this week!

This week we added the letters Oo and Kk and their sounds and actions. We also added the sight words “on” and “not”. We are adding sight words rapidly so please be sure you’re practicing at home. In order to get a satisfactory on the grade card, they will have to know 12 of them. They will have to have extra practice at home.

We did a lot of practice with CVC words and stretching out words this week. There are several activities on Seesaw they can do to practice.

Reading bags have been coming home. Please be sure you keep them 2 nights, sign the log and return so they can keep up with their group.

In math, we’ve measured in non-standard ways using yarn, popsicle sticks, pencils and cubes. Next week, we will learn to use the Sumdog program and continue measurement using weight.

In Science, we continued our push/pull/force and motion unit. They had to become engineers and were given stem challenges to complete. We will do one more to finish up on Monday. They really enjoyed this!

Seesaw: There are several kids that didn’t finish measurement #4 in class today. They should finish and submit that this weekend. They can finish up the letter activities too. The magnetic letters are great for stretching out sight words and CVC words. Some still need to finish letter K, the letter K sort and the sight word “on” activities. They all had time this morning to work on those.

Next week: It’s PIRATE week!! On Friday, we will have pirate day! The kids should come dressed like a pirate. I will give them eye patches, and jewels to wear. They can wear a pirate hat or bandana. If they have a costume, great, if not, they can wear a striped shirt or cut up old pants to fringe them on the bottom with a scarf around their waist etc. Don’t feel you have to buy a costume, just anything they have to look like a pirate would be great. Please do NOT send any swords in. If they have a plastic hook hand, that’s fine to bring for a picture. We will do pirate activities during the week and learn the R letter/sound, the sight word “are” and the chunk “ar”. On Friday, we’ll do a cool science experiment called exploding pirate treasure chests! How fun is that??!

Due next week: Family page is due on Nov. 12th. Kids will share those the next week.

Book order is due by noon on the 13th. We will do one more order in early Dec.

ISO: more Clorox wipes!! We wipe down desks everyday and then I sanitize at the end of the day before I leave. We may have enough wipes to make it through Dec., but I know we’ll need more. If you find some and can donate, that would be great!! We’re fine on hand sanitizer and soap at the moment. Thanks in advance!

Hope you have a great weekend!