Monthly Archives: February 2021

Week of Feb. 22-25th


We started the week learning about healthy foods and how to “sharpen the saw”, the 7th leader in me habit. We learned about the food plate (which replaced the old food pyramid) and sorted foods into different food groups.

We added the sight words do and to and did some practicing with all our sight words.

We have started our bear unit and will be writing a report about a bear when we are all done. Today we are doing a grow a polar bear experiment as well!

Today is our first all school zoom assembly. We decided as a staff that assemblies were something we missed and figured out how to do it on zoom. We will be also highlighting our leaders in action chosen from our classroom. Sam Ozbun was chosen as our first leader as Sam is always a hard worker and kind to others. Congrats Sam!

A reminder that the 100th day of school will be on Monday. They should come dressed like they are 100 years old. We will be doing fun 100 activities all day!

In math, we’re still working on subtraction and different ways to subtract whether that be using fingers, cubes, a number line etc to solve the problem.

We talked a lot about problem solving this week and how we always have a choice when there’s a problem. We can chose ways to solve it or ways to make it a bigger problem. We also revisited apologizing and talked about accepting an apology with an “I forgive you” or “I accept your apology.”

Book orders are due at noon on March 3rd so we can get them back before spring break.

Hope you have a great weekend! I’m sending this early because I get the second booster of the vaccine right after school. Grateful for that!

Week of Feb. 1st-4th


Well, we ended our week with a surprise (freezing) fire drill today. The kids did a great job and got out quickly. This week, we had hibernation day on Monday. It was SO fun and we did lots of learning! Hope your child told you all about it and you saw all the fun pics on Seesaw! Tuesday, we learned more about hibernation and groundhog day. Some of us were happy about 6 more weeks of winter and some of us (me) were not! We started our unit on American symbols and learned about the flag and bald eagle.

Speaking of eagles, we track the Decorah eagles each year in Decorah, Iowa. If you google Decorah eagles and click on the raptor research project, you can watch the live cam at home as well. The eagles I’ve watched for years built a new nest this year and they didn’t get a camera on it, but there’s a link to the North eagles that we will watch this year. They typically lay their eggs mid/late Feb. and they hatch in mid/late March. One year we got so lucky we go to watch an eaglet hatch! It’s really interesting to watch in real time what we’re studying!

In math, we are starting subtraction. When we practice, we draw circles and X out the ones we are taking away to see how many are left.

Coming home today are the yellow conference folders. Please have those handy to reference during conference zoom calls. I sent the links already and the schedule, but I will resend on Monday. Their 100th day poster is coming home as well with instructions. Posters are due Feb. 19th, but can be turned in whenever they’re done. They should have 100 similar objects glued/draw/stuck on. Please be sure their name is on the front.

Book orders came home and are due on Feb. 10th by noon. I will get them ordered before I leave for the break.

Book bags came home and are to be read, marked and returned on Monday.

The next few weeks are looking to be cold and possibly snowy. Please make sure the snow day packet is available if it’s a remote day. There will be a zoom call at 8:30 if it’s a remote day and attendance will be taken. On the off chance we do NOT use the snow day packets this year, we would love to have them back so we don’t have to recreate them next year so please keep track of them.

Our Valentine’s party is on the 10th. Reminder to bring boxes and valentines in a separate bag to pass them out. We are recommending you wait 72 hours to open them due to covid safety. Any candy that is brought with valentines has to be individually packaged. We have lots of fun activities planned for the day. Thanks to all who sent in items!

Hope you enjoy the long weekend. Stay warm!