Monthly Archives: April 2023

Week of April 3rd-7th


This week was all about community. We talked about places we see in our community and the helpers/jobs in our community. They chose what community helper they would like to be when they grow up, wrote about it, and then painted themselves as that helper. These will be in the hall for our Bluejay Expo at the end of the month.

We are working on teen numbers, building and decomposing them and playing games with them. We are also doing lots of problem solving so we can hear a problem, figure out if it’s addition or subtraction and then use the information to solve the problem.

We are deep into our writing workshop as well. Today we talked about story telling and all the things we can write about. We made a chart of the things we can write about including people I know, places I go, things I have and things I do. We talked about picturing what we are going to write about ahead of time and then trying to write the whole time. Later we will go back and edit and add details.

Please make sure book bags/games are being returned. I have several kids who haven’t returned them for weeks and therefore aren’t getting the additional reading practice that would be beneficial.

Here’s what’s coming up:

Spring pictures need to be paid for by sending in money or paying online. Please let me know if you paid online. Someone had an envelope in their folder today that said paid online, but it fell out of the folder and had no name on it and of course no one knew who it was. Let me know if it was you please. Please have those pictures returned or paid for next week at the latest.

Book orders are due next week on the 13th by Noon. This will be the last order sent home this year. You can get a free book with the code READS and a $25 order.

Books and Board Games night will be May 2nd. If you have any good condition board games you’d like to donate, please send those in with your child.

The school will be doing a community service project to benefit Children’s Mercy hospital April 25th-May 2nd. You can send in any NEW toys/games/activities or donate cash. The cash will be used by the leadership team to buy items that they have requested. If you send in cash, please make sure it’s in your child’s folder and marked for Children’s Mercy. It’s never too early to teach your child about serving and giving to others. Have them earn the money and shop for a gift to donate and it will be more meaningful to them and a great lesson learned in helping others less fortunate or going through a difficult time.

The glow light dance information is coming home in folders today.

Our field trip to the Coterie/Legoland has been cancelled due to the NFL draft being in town and creating issues we can’t get around. I would encourage you to take your child to the Coterie to see the play Don’t Let Pigeon Drive the Bus. They do an excellent job and it’s such a fun experience. We are trying to schedule something else and will let you know when we do. We will be taking a bus to Olathe East for their animal talks experience. Those permission slips will come home on Monday.

Reminder that next Thursday, we have a half day of school with dismissal at NOON and that we do NOT have school on Friday the 14th due to a teacher professional work day. I will also be gone on Friday the 21st, so please call the office with changes on that day.

Happy Easter for those of you that celebrate. Enjoy your weekend.