Week of October 9th-12th


It was a batty fun week in Kindergarten! We are learning all about bats which includes our science standards along with many of our reading/comprehension standards. And it’s just lots of fun and really cool!! We are making our very own non-fiction bat book which they will be excited to share with you!

In math, we are still working on more/less as we will continue to practice for awhile. Please be practicing at home. An easy way to do this is to say, show me 9 on your fingers and then have them show you one less. Using manipulatives is a great visual tool as well (especially if they’re M & M’s and they can eat them after!). We will be starting simple 2D shapes which we go through quickly and then will work on 3D shapes.

Just to let you know, we learned how to use Seesaw. I will put some activities on there for them. Please double check they are doing them correctly until they’ve had a little more practice. If they are NOT done, they should click the orange checkmark. When completed they click the green checkmark. Once the green is clicked, it goes to me for review and they can’t get back to it unless I send it back.

I sent home a Trick or Treat Rhyming game today. I told the kids that they can earn a sticker next week, if they play the game and you take a pic of them playing on their i-pads. They can show me the pic next week. Our trick for rhyming words is that they “sound the same at the END.” When rhyming, they don’t have to give you a real word, it just has to rhyme. For example a rhyme with pig could be lig and that’s okay. Next week, I will send home a syllables game and same goes with the picture. We put our hand under our chin, so we can feel our mouth move with the syllables, then we clap it, then show the number on our fingers. Both of these are great pre-reading skills to practice.

I will send more info. about Halloween and the parade (which will be on Friday the 27th) closer to the date. And we did set a date for pirate day of Nov. 9th just so you can think about a pirate costume.

PLEASE make sure you send your child in a coat every day from now on. It was supposed to get to 80 today and it’s 68 right now and fairly cold and very windy. It’ll be much easier if you just get into the habit of adding a coat to the morning checklist. And if they can’t zip and right side out their winter coats and put their gloves on by themselves, start practicing now please!

Looking forward to talking to everyone at conferences. Please remember they are 20 minutes and scheduled without transition times in between. We (and I mean WE 🙂 need to make sure we are on time for everyone else. You can come in the front doors and wait outside the room until it is your turn, or you can wait outside the classroom door on the blacktop, weather permitting. When it is your turn, please knock if needed so we can stay on time. If the door is shut, I am in a conference. Kids don’t come to this conference, they will come in Feb. If you need to bring them, they can read a book or something while we talk. I have lots of information to share in a short time. If you have questions after you leave (because that’s when I always think of them!), feel free to email me. I will be out of town Thurs.-Sun., so I will not be getting back to you until the next week. ( I will be here all day Wed. though if you think of something then!)

Have a great long weekend! We worked on Dd and Hh this week. Have your child see how many words they can think of that start with each letter.

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