Week of Jan. 30th-Feb. 3rd


This week we finished up our penguin books and are excited to share those with you at conferences. We also celebrated the 100th day of school with all kinds of fun activities around the number 100. I shared the pictures on Seesaw. We also painted sunflower valentines which we took out to the mailbox today. We are doing a valentine exchange with other schools and will be getting valentines from schools from different states. We are going to use a USA map to track where the valentines come from. They were pretty excited to stick them in the mailbox this morning. We walked back inside and I thought, rats, I forgot to take a pic! 🙂

We started our Feb. math notebooks which should not come home until the end of the month. We are finishing up addition and starting subtraction. Ask your child what we do we when subtract. (we saw X it out and make an X with our arms!) If you’d like to practice at home, we do addition and subtraction up to 10. I let them use their fingers and count on or take away, we draw circles and add them up or X them out, and we use counters as well. They can use anyway that works for them, but we work on all of those strategies.

I will be collecting all book/game bags before the conference break so please have those returned by next Thursday at the latest.

Please make note of our Feb. calendar since it is different.

Feb. 10th professional day, no school

Feb. 15th dismissal at NOON

Feb. 16 and 17th no school

Feb. 20 president’s day, no school

I have the conference schedule all done. I will attach it to the email. I will set up zoom links next week and get those sent out. I am going to do separate links so that we don’t get shut out like last time, but I do have them scheduled back to back, so I will have to stay on time. I would like your child to be a part of at least the beginning of the conference so they can share how they think they’re doing in kindergarten. I will send folders home next Tues. with those on Zoom, so please hang on to those until your time.

I already sent the Valentine’s note home. Please have boxes ready to go and send them in the morning with your child on the 14th. Make sure they have a hole big enough for a valentine and a piece of candy if you want to add one. (optional). We will not open valentines in class, they will get to do that at home. We have a fun, busy day planned. Please send them in a valentine color if they have it. Just a reminder, they should bring a valentine for everyone in the class. Please have them sign their name (great practice!) and put the valentines in a separate bag.

Next week will be dental/health and nutrition focused. They will get a tooth brushing chart that can be returned for a sticker once it’s completed.

Next week is a spirit week to celebrate the Chiefs going to the Superbowl! Have a great weekend!

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